Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Dinner is going to be brought home by the Farmer.  The children are in front of the square box.  The house has been "tided" - well as much as is likely for the rest of the day.  And I'm having my 5 mins peace before locking myself away from the bedtime routine to study. I have to question my sanity at this moment in time.  I could use a wine and some feet up time but it's well worth it, long term, it's good for me, right?  Hmmm.  The wine does sound nice though. 

Focus....long term's worth it..........

I was reading the Little Treasures mag yesterday and saw an article on Guilt - the burden we carry from the moment we get pregnant.  Mothers guilt seems to be worse that fathers guilt - in fact I don't think there is such a thing as fathers guilt..... Anyway I could totally relate to the mothers in the article.  The juggling act is continuous.  I was told the other day that it was "easier" when your kids can talk.  Really?  There is always something and it doesn't matter where you are on the journey there are hard times and guilt.  The worse thing for me with my study is thinking I could have done things better...guilt!

If I worried too much, I would get more wrinkles, drink MORE wine and not be a fun person to be around.  There is only so much you can do and still be true to yourself.  Love your kids, treat them with respect and don't forget to live your life too.

On that happy note I'm going to study. 

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