Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Important things I've learned.

I've been compiling this list for a while.   They are just things that strike me as common sense.  
Some days I know these things clearly, while other days I'm blinded by emotion; instead of knowing whats right I just feel crumbly on the inside. 
Thus recording this for myself.  To remind me!
Nothing changes, but everything changes.
It's very hard to listen while your talking.
The good deed unseen is more important that all others.
You'll never really see,  if you look the other way.
To be able to understand someone you'll have to get to know them first.
Time is the gift that most valued.
Things don't make you happy, people do.
You can love but not like.
A heartfelt anything will always cheer you up.
Silence doesn't need to be filled.
Loyalty can not be brought, it is earned.
Some friendships are forever and some just fade away.
The beauty of life is hard to see sitting inside.
That your children will watch and learn your values from you. 

xx Jane xx

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Like anything in life blogging is what you make it.

I choose to make it my open book of ups and downs.  Sometimes there will a huge run of downs.  And then nothing.  Which ideally means ups.

Sometimes there is funny.

Sometimes there is sad.

Today is whimsical.  Light.  Fluffy.

I have a free day/night.  The Farmer, little Mr and little Miss have gone away.  One would think that I'd be having a ball, going out, catching up, shopping, lunching.....whatever.

I'm not.

I'm still in my PJ's (it's before 9 so that's kinda okay).  I have washing, tidying, vacuuming and bathrooms to do.

AND my cherubs have shared their cold.  Charmed I'm sure.

I will do the jobs.  I will go to a baby shower.  I will relax.  And I will enjoy the quiet.  But I will miss my family.

Thus the whimsical. 

They drive me potty.  Wind me up.  Stress me out.  Yet make me feel complete.

When they are here, I want the quiet, tidy, clean house that by the end of today I will have.  But when they are gone I miss the noise, laughter, fun.  Especially on weekends where things are more relaxed.

I guess the grass is always greener.

So I will head off now.  To tidy and clean.  But I will also turn the stereo up loud, to recreate the noise of my family, and get amongst it.

And when they come home.  I will hug them and tell them how much I missed them.