Friday, June 10, 2011

In all my spare time .........

I'm not sure why I think it's a good idea to blog. In fact if the truth be known, I have very little extra time for it.  But perhaps that's the point.

Mum of Master 6 and Miss 3, wife to a full time working - part time farming husband and carer to 5 other kids over a 5 days my life sometimes seems a blur of feeding, cleaning, washing, tiding and the occasionally wine - hmmmm rephrase lots of wine.  So why start a blog?

As a written record perhaps I will be able to look back and see exactly what I have done, why I do what I do, have a sense of achievement - or something!  I would like to think I would be one of those clever bloggers who have lots of crafty things to offer, wonderful recipes and good wholesome parenting morals that I would share but really it's unlikely.  You were warned.

I gave some advice to a Mum the other day, "record the biggest issue your having with your baby and guaranteed in a months time it won't be a problem" - in fact your likely to have another issue but that's not the point!  So perhpas that's why I'm going to do this.  And maybe, somewhere along the way, I will know what I want to be when I grow up......

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