Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Talking to "THAT" parent........and not wanting to shake them silly!

So I had the pleasure (?!!!) of having a conversation with a parent regarding our kids.  While I was my upfront, honest, tell it like it is, self they proceeded to blah blah on about how AWESOME their child is.

Meanwhile, during the conversation, I observed their child do some not so awesome stuff to another 2 of them my own.  GRRRR.

This parent was oblivious.  I mean seriously not even watching what the heck was going on.  And would they have done anything?  Nup unlikely.  I mean that would require PARENTING!

Now normally I would let this go, I mean at some stage we all like to brag a little about our kids.  You know we do.  And I have done so myself but it's always the good and the bad.  My kids aren't angels.  They are normal children.  They have off days.  They are naughty and nice.  NORMAL CHILDREN, you know?!

And as a normal parent I don't judge.  As someone who works in earlychildhood I am fairly even keeled.  And I would say that I find the best in every child. 

But this kid.  Fair annoys the shit outta me.  So that's saying something.

What's worse is the parent who, with their rose tinted glasses, doesn't see it. 

Again I'm not perfect.  My kids aren't perfect.  But I swear to you I had to bite my tongue so often I had dents in it before the coversation ended.

Best thing to do is probably just laugh about it so.......

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