Monday, December 5, 2011

Sunday in pictures.

 Christmas Helpers

The Farmers Work do at Petting Zoo

 Hanging with the Man of the Month

End of the Day the tree is up, there are wrapped presents, tired happy kids.....a good Sunday all round.

HOWEVER at 5.30 this morning....Master 6 appears in our room saying he feels sick.....half an hour later he follows through on the sick and a visit to the loo......lucky I'm not doing today in pictures!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jane, Your kids are gorgeous, and what cute photos for you to treasure for years to come! Just popping by to let you know that you won my runner-up prize in my giveaway over at The Mucky Macbook. The results post is here:

    Can you please email me your postal address to rachel(at)neo(dot)co(dot)nz? Then I get the tags off to you as speedily as possible.

    Merry Christmas!

    LM x
