Tuesday, July 30, 2013

10 things you didn't know about me....

Well I was just feeling a bit random of late and thought I would share my randomness with you - so 10 things you didn't really want to know about me but are going to know by the end of this post.....

1. I believe the sound/word 'Meh' should be added to the dictionary.  The meaning can be a number of things as follows........whatever - can't be arsed - really? - No - Yes - go away - I think so. In fact I think there are possibly more definitions we could come up with.

2. If you have the pleasure of taking a photo of me one of two things will happen.  Possibly my eyes will turn into small slits as I smile and/or laugh.  Or I will end up with multiple chins.  Either option isn't attractive.

3. I still listen to tapes.  On my Walkman.  And it's not because I'm trying to be retro. 

4. I have over 50 necklaces.  Lets not even talk about earrings.

5. My middle name is Elizabeth.  Okay Mum so you know this one already.......

6. Today I was listening to The Little River Band.  On a tape, in my car.  And was singing.  Blame my Dad. 

7. "I like Meat Pies."  In truth I like just about any sort of pie but this is another thing to blame on my Dad.  It's one of those phrases he pulls out randomly, thus I am following suit.

8. Autumn is my favourite season with Spring a close second.

9. I think Johnny Depp is an amazing actor and pretty good looking to boot.  Alright so you know this already but I just wanted to see if you were still reading.

10. I was struggling to think of a 10th thing and Master Eight & half wandered by.  He wanted to know what I was doing.  He offered the final item as "Mum is the best Mum in the World."  Can't argue with that.

And just to clarify I do like other musicians not just The Little River Band.  I'm not a complete crazy lady.  I think.

1 comment:

  1. The photos of you are beautiful, because you ARE either laughing or smiling, which is what makes you AWESOME!
