Sunday, July 7, 2013

Ramshackle life

There is no really purpose or direction for today's post.  That's a the beauty of a blog.  "Randomness".  So here we go....

I love my life.  The funny ins and outs, ups and downs. 

The quiet Sunday at home among the days of crazy everyday life.

Things I enjoy may not be the norm.  The way I dance might be a bit crazy.  I'm happy to poke fun at myself and have a good time.  My laugh might be loud but it's real.  I care about whats important to me. 

There are days when the odd comment knocks me from my course.  It makes me doubt myself & my choices.  But having the confidence in my ramshackle life, in the way I do things, for the reasons I do things I can be quietly happy about my lot.

Do we say that we are happy often?  I mean really?!!  There is always something going on.  Not often time to count your blessings.   But for me, today, while the sun is shining, the wind blowing, the kids playing and the house in a general state of disorder I can tell you that I'm happy.

And that's enough for me.

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