Sunday, August 11, 2013

The lesson I was taught.

If you know me, or have been reading my blog, you'll likely know that I really try to be a good parent.  Supportive, loving, well balanced - and I don't mean a glass of wine in both hands.  I try to be encouraging and help my children learn not only things that are educational but the 'bigr picture' things in know values and stuff.

But often it's hard.

There can be tiredness, tears and whinging.  And that's just me.

However on Friday I was delighted to watch both of them shine at their school assembly.

Miss 5 and a half got a 'Star Student' certificate for helping and being well.....her.  There may have been a weenie tear in my eye....perhaps dust but we will go with a wee tear.

Then Master 8 and a half stood up with two other class mates to read a front of the whole school.  Go him!  I was so proud!  It's was much later in life before I was confident to do such things.  And at a push I would do it now but not before trying to get out of it.  What made me super proud was he loves his writing so read out his work was pretty special.

Even with all my worries about their education being met, their friends, their teachers, manners, are they being all they can be, I was taught by them (in a very round about way) that in fact they are doing just fine.  Which means I'm doing just fine too.

And I'm proud of them. 

Which surely is the one of the best parts of parenting there can be.

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