Sunday, July 1, 2012

Not bouncing back.

Okay so I've been sick.  And the work thing about being sick is not being in control.  There I've admitted it, I'm a control freak.  I'm all about the planning.  And last week I had a number of plans to visit people, do things, have some time out with my daughter, clean my house (note where that came in the list of priorities) and getting myself sorted before school holidays.

Insert Group A streptococcal infection here.

Me, knocked on my arse quite literally all week.  And you know what I tried to keep going.  But I failed, miserably.

So a week later.  Still have a sore throat.  Still tired.  House still needs cleaning.  And ta's school holidays.

All the kids want is time with me. All I want is to lie on the bed and rest. Perhaps read a book. You can see where things come a little unstuck. 

Hence my game plan:   Take each day as it comes.  Very radical idea for me.

Try and do stuff with the kids, keep on top of the washing and perhaps clean one part of the house each day.  We've already had multiple offers for visits/play dates and at this stage I'm unlikely to commit.  I seriously don't have the energy to think 2 days ahead of myself. 

And here is the bit about 'not bouncing back'.  Could it be....AGE?  Nah surely not.  But I am wondering if I am not the only one in this.  Perhaps the collective group of super Mum's I know are the same?!  Sigh. 

Thankfully I have had the Farmer on tap this week.  He's done a great job of children collection, food organising (if you ask Master 7 about this he'll just tell you about the takeaways!) and he has been patient with his ailing wife.

Stay tuned for the 2 weeks of school holidays which will be fantastic!  (You may note the slightly forced tone.)

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