Thursday, February 23, 2012

Johnny Depp and I......confession time.....

It's a documented fact (well I write about it in my blog....) that I think Johnny Depp is....well..... pretty gosh darn awesome.  A great actor, true to himself (as far as I can tell!) and not to shabby on the eye.

Well here's the confession.....

I wouldn't ever know what to do or say to him if I meet him!!  Lucky for me never likely to happen but if it did I'd be worse than 13 year old girl...giggling, not being able to talk and very self conscious.

Why have I suddenly come to this conclusion?

Johnny stares down at me from the calendar that my dear friend, The Crafter, gave me day after day and quite frankly its hard to get anything done!  But the Farmer was away last night and after the kids were safely tucked into bed I retired to the of wine in hand (yes I know it was a weekday and I'm not meant to be drinking then but well bite me!)........looking at the washing pile, the pile of  filing that was sitting there and numerous other things to be done........ and I thought sod it all!  I pulled out a Johnny Depp DVD.......assumed the prime spot on the couch and RELAXED. 

Fricken awesome. 

I even went as far as watching some of the bloopers and other bits after the movie had finished.  I watched a segment with Johnny and Keith Richards......2 legends just hanging out, talking about cool stuff and being lads.

But then came the realisation.......How would I ever hold a conversation with Johnny Depp?!!  It would be tragic beyond words.  Another wannabe fan with a teenage crush that has lasped into her thirties.  Sad.

Anyway I feel the best thing to do right now is to think about some intelligent questions, so when he does phone......I'll be ready. 

Johnny, just give me a week or so, okay?! ;-)

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