Saturday, February 23, 2013

Leaving a legacy

I wonder some times what my kids, friends, family will remember about me when I'm gone (and I'm talking after I've been booted out of the rest home I've booked into with my friend Sarah for my final resting place at 120 years of age.....)

Will it be how clean my house was?  Very unlikely.  Will it be the all the hours that I worked?  Will it be my wardrobe?  How often my hair was cut?  What about the car I drive?  What I made for tea or the presents I gave?

I hope that they will remember the silly stuff.  The wet you knickers laughing over the funny things.  The 'Ruh roh' moments in life where you laugh or you'll cry.  The memories taken on a camera, transferred into scrapbooks.  The memories that can't be taken away - learning how to read, draw, dance, bake, laugh at yourself, and be all that you can be. 

I'm not entirely sure what got me thinking about this but I guess I was reflecting on who I am as a person.  And how the things I do whether it is for my kids, a friend, my family or the farmer have no hidden agenda. 

There is a lot of 'social climbing' in the world.  And to be fair it's something I've never brought in to.  I've often talked about I'm just me, take it or leave it, but what does that translate to when your gone?

Certainly it's unlikely to be high status, riches or a nation wide funeral!

And that's okay. 

You reap what you sow.  And with all the important relationships in life it's very true. 

It seemed to dawn on me most recently when I realised that even if the kids got a telling off at bed, they still love me the next day.  That the things I do with/for them are bigger than that.  And they are at an age when they perhaps understand.  I know that will change over their teens but it's a storm we can weather!

I am super grateful for all I have, all I do, and all I will do in my life. 

I am super grateful for all the people who help me with that. 

I hope that the legacy I leave will show that, with a heap of memories, in flurry of laughter and of course a couple of wines.

But you'll have to wait an awfully long time to see if I'm right!

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