From the start we need to be very clear about one thing. I am a size 8, with amazing long luxurious hair, am fit, gorgeous, can wear killer heels all day, am the ultimate in motherhood, cook gourmet meals-daily, everyone loves me because I am the ultimate human being - in short I am perfect.
The perfect man would have to do such things as lock the front door before bed (it's a man responsibility to ensure his family is safe), be able to put together toys without cursing and getting shitty, would not leave little bits of food in the bottom of the sink, doesn't fart in bed, watch TV AND fold washing, remembers things that he's told, helps prepare and organise for trips away, put away the dishes and would take a general interest in the running of the household. Of course he would also be smart, funny and reasonably good looking.
So the smart, funny and reasonably good looking Farmer and I are going away for a couple of days - that is if he lasts the next couple of days.
Yours sincerely, the perfect woman.
Janey. You are awesome, magnificent, fabulous and wonderful. Perfect? Well that would be just be dull.