Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why Blog?

Why do I Blog?  Jolly good question really and one I hadn't given alot of thought to. 

My dear friend suggested I should start (I think she just likes hearing about the the hilarity that sometimes is my life!) and eventually I got around to it. 

What makes me think about it is that today I had a comment on my posting Courage of your convictions  from another Blogger.  It was nice comment so had a look at his Blog, Fickle Cattle anyway after reading a bit about this blogger I could see things I knew to be true about why I blog. 

For instance:

"I write because I want someone to read me; who I am, what I think, how I live.

I write because I hope, someone, somewhere, would read what I wrote and think, "yes, he's right, I get it," and understand me." - Fickle Cattle

And perhaps I write this blog as a way to remember.  To record the bad days and see that they are followed by good ones.  To remind myself that my job as a Mum, wife, friend and daughter is valuable.  To write and re-read things for myself can only give me more clarity amongst the confusion.  To make myself feel a part of something else that is mine alone but shared for everyone to be part of.  I like the ability to write down how I feel and get it off my chest.

And it interests me where in the world people are reading from.  I wonder if the people reading from Germany, Malaysia, Australia, Russia & the USA are similar to me?  Do they face the same trials, joys, highs and lows?  Does reading my blog make them smile, give them a laugh or make them think they aren't alone?

Who knows really. 

All that really matters is I like blogging.  It isn't for everyone. But if works for me.

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