Sunday, July 31, 2011

Marmalade. Nope, not for me.

In my quest to be open to new things I have made a discovery. 
I do not like Marmalade.
The Farmer and Master six however do.  So they will be well pleased with the my efforts and Great Grandma would have thought I was mad, but loved the idea of it!  Am open to orders for Christmas?!  Let me know!

Marmalade from the book: The Kindness of Strangers – Kitchen Memoirs
by Shonagh Koea
 six large grapefruit
four lemons
12 cups of water
12 cups of sugar

Slice the grapefruit and lemons as finely as you can, after washing the fruit carefully.  Cover the sliced fruit with the water and leave overnight.  The following day bring this mixture to the boil and boil for twenty minutes.  Remove the jam pan from the heat and stir in the sugar, bring the mixture quickly to the boil after that and boil it for thirty minutes.  At this stage you can start testing it to see if it will set.  I used to put a spoonful in a saucer and leave it for a minute ot two to see if a skin would form on it but after several years of my using this not overly reliable method, an elderly lady I knew told me a very handy trick.  It had been passed on to her by her mother.  She said to dip an ordinary silver or stainless steel tablespoon into the mixture and then hold it horizontally over marmalade so you are looking at the wide inner face of the spoon.  When the marmalade drips off the lower edge in two separate places simultaneously the marmalade is ready to be put in the jars.  It sometimes takes much longer than the thirty minutes’ boiling time to accomplish this but it is a very reliable method, I have found.
Janes' review:
1; being a sucky flop 2;definitely do this one again  3; being add to your repertoire immediately

Taste: Personally - icky icky yuk, however Master E loves it!  So it would be a 1 for me, but that just confirms my dislike for Marmalade, personal taste!
Ease: Not bad, had a moment regarding it setting but no prob in the end

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