Monday, July 25, 2011

The stuff that just has to get done.....

Funny how it is that in the quiet of the evening you get "stuff" done.  But it someone amuses me that some members of the family (grown up male sorts) are oblivious to how these things get "done".

Must be the wee know the ones, the vacuuming ones, the cleaning ones, the change the batteries, buy the Christmas presents, get the kids of to school ones - you know THOSE fairies.

Don't get me wrong I love the Farmer but he sometimes drives me to the verge of insanity (may have fallen off the edge and be hanging on by my un-manicured finger nails).  It's not that he doesn't appreciate it but he has no idea of the big picture.

Interestingly enough I am not alone in this boat. 

I have done extensive and exhaustive research on this subject matter (lots of wine consumed while bitching with girl friends) and we all agree that they don't understand the effort that goes into each and everyday. 

As I type the Farmer is sleeping.  I have at more work ahead of me getting things sorted for the rest of the week, such as what I will plan to do with the kids for the week, food (what we are going to eat, what needs to be brought from the supermarket - are you with me???), getting sheets out ready to strip beds tomorrow (feck knows when I'll get the sheets washed), doing the Internet banking and sorting the every growing pile of paper than emerges that seems to get left on the table.  And you might think are you mad it can wait til tomorrow....but tomorrow will be breakfast, washing (the fricken sheets), into town, library books, a couple of jobs, before whizzing back here to start my "paying job" til 5 - then cook tea, study, pack for me and Miss 3 to head off to the farm after work the next day, tidy house before people come over the following day and so it goes on.

Okay bitch and moan session over.  I am lucky to have the Farmer, but the Farmer is sure as shit EXTREMELY lucky to have me! 

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