The title 'working Mum' is for all Mums with kids, whether they are in paid employment or not.
My dilemma about being a working Mum always seems to be worse when I'm not in "paid employment". Today for example I am child free (mine and anyone elses) and I'm cleaning, have some plums on the stove making plum sauce, hanging washing and mentally debating whether it's wise to take on an other children when I am constantly feeling I'm not getting all my things done.
Specifically "things" are not just vacuuming. Its the cleaning down the cupboards, giving things a jolly good scrub, fingerprint removal off odd places, cleaning the oven, tackling the linen cupboard, not to mention the outside stuff - oh yeah and then catching up with all and sundry, trying to squeeze in some time with nieces that I don't feel I know so well, not to mention other friends with kids that will be in school by the time I get my shit together.
So back to the question - taking on another child, on days I'm already working - smart? Possibly not, but if you already have kids it's not such a big issue is it? Well I guess the fact they need 7.30-4.30 care is a factor. But do I WANT to do this?
The arse of it is that no one can answer that question for me.
And in all truth I probably know the answer but hate to let people down. Dumb huh?
On the other hand, how do other people manage? I have some amazing friends who work and juggle kids. Why can't I? Hmmm.
All this doesn't mean I'm not happy with my lot, I most certainly am. In fact perhaps happier than I've been in a while - it's just ensuring that it all works and works well. And I've found, especially with the blog, it's better to write it all out and reassess than let it stew. So there you have it!

this is a really good blog! Keep it up!