1. Wee on the toilet seat
2. Wee on the floor discovered by your foot
3. Children dropped off to me with a large full steaming nappy
4. Snubs on social networking working sites
5. Having to re clean the bathroom you cleaned just hours before
6. Stuck on Weetbix
7. Waking early when you don't have to
8. Finding the perfect dress/top/pair of shoes.....that isn't in your size
9. Never winning Lotto
10. People that don't use their indicators
11. Having to look after children that are sick, that aren't mine
12. Having to repeat myself, especially with little or no voice
13. When people don't RSVP
14. Food scraps in the sink
15. Not having enough time in the day
I'm not entirely sure that made me feel any better but at least I can see that it's all small stuff. As Miss 4 would say 'Mum, build a bridge, and walk over it'. I'll try.

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