Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Farts ARE funny.....

If your at all straight laced, frown about farts in public and have no sense of humour then best you stop reading now.

I have had in my care this afternoon Miss 3 and her wee friend ....who is a boy, and youngest of 3 children, all boys.  He can fart loud and proud.  And it's hilarious.  He farted, said "Pardon me, I FARTED" then burst into hysterics, as did Miss 3 and I. 

Master 6 and I were doing his home learning the other night and he dropped one, I got a whiff and said was that you?  And without a second thought "Said I think it was Dad" who wasn't even in the house......Nicely played son!  The fart was funny but deferring blame to your father when he's not about is even funnier!

And you know what, I don't even mind the pull my finger trick - provided your under 10 years old......Thirty something year old men please don't thing this is at all hot.  It's not. 

There are a number of sorts of farts......machine gun furious and funny.  Silent and violent.......potentially lethal and decidedly not funny if your caught in the fall out.  The sneaky tried and failed to sneak one out in public and didn't pull it off well - best laugh about it or die of embarrassment.  The loud and proud (today's winner) - own it - it was worth it!  It's natural and we all do it, why make a big deal about it?!

That's one of the attributes I love about kids, they can appreciate the humor of such things and yes of course there is a time and place, but you should giggle.....after all what's a bit of gas between friends!

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