Sunday, May 20, 2012

Older than his years.

Master 7 never fails to blow me away.

Of late his room has looked alot like a small bomb went off.  Normal 7 year old boy stuff I assume.  But I want to put the responsibility on his shoulders to tidy it up.  I have enough to do without picking up after him and with the prospect of pocket money in the near future for him I feel that he needs to pull his socks up, so to speak.

Anyway, on his 'I'm finished' room inspection I ended up sitting down having a chat with him.

"Honey, how about you put that box back in the recycling huh?"
"But Mum you said you would make a tank with me"
"But Love I just don't have time right now"
"Mum, you promised"
"Don't you think that your room has enough junk in it already?"
"Mum your stopping my creativity"

Shocked silence.

"Remember you made me throw out my castle, that I made?"

More silence.

"But you never played with it?"
"YES I did."

Thoughtful silence.

"I'm very sorry, Master 7.  I have stopped your creativity.  I didn't think of it that way before.  Lets take some other things out of your room so you have space to display your creations"

"Thanks Mum"

Oh my goodness me.  Talk about a kid being today in tune with the world.  Master 7 has a wisdom beyond his years.  He reminds me of the things I know I should be doing/encouraging (with a fair dollop of guilt). 

I've just finished reading a book on ways of discovering your "Element".  Sometimes our school lives don't give us enough guidance to find it and I wanted to be sure to encourage that with my kids.  But apparently I have got caught up in the age old nagging to keep things tidy, without thinking about who my child really is. 

And Master 7 has always been one for creating, making and thinking. 

I need to remember to nurture this.  Celebrate him for who he is.  And give him the room to discover his "element."

Love you kiddo xx

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