No it's not the world's largest pimple, nor a life threatening brain tumour - it's just life!
I'm constantly 10 steps in front of where I need to be and my mental hard drive appears to be full so my memory is shot, my logic is random and my sleeping isn't so flash!
It doesn't help that I feel like I've mentally almost "checked out" of my job, with the list of "when I'm finished work" ever growing and becoming a full time job in itself.
I have so much going on I'm not sure how to unwind!
And, shockingly, wine isn't very helpful.
Oh. My. God.
Who is this person who has taken over my life and where the hell is JANE?!
Thankfully I had recharged my batteries with a glorious Mothers Day, much thanks to the Farmer, otherwise I would probably have been carted off in a padded van now.
So, in trying to focus I'm allowing myself 5 minutes to hash out a blog post (always makes me feel better) then am going back to work (playing with small people, cars and play dough is semi therapeutic) and will pour quite possibly luke warm coffee down my pie hole in an effort to regain some sanity.
If you don't read any more posts for a while, it's likely I'm having a rest at the home for the "Mothers who have lost the plot" - reservations not essential.
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