Funny thing doubt. It creeps in when you least expect it. A moment of 'the grass looks greener' and all of a sudden you can't see the wood for the trees.
Not sure why but I was awake at 2am. Comparing myself. Looks. Ability. Status. The whole fricken lot. Why? The only thing I can think of was a pair of shoes I wore yesterday.
They are cool but actually not really me. And as I glanced at myself in shop window I wondered why I was wearing them. Was I trying to look at certain way?
Finding a sense of style is something I think you always continue to do. What you might like may not be practical. It might not be comfortable. It might look terrible! But if you think you rock it then run with it.
So why was I doubting a pair of shoes I brought? I can't tell you.
What I can tell you is that I felt really daft wearing them.
And that made me think about all the other things I could be doing wrong.
Am I working hard enough?
Am I doing all the right things as a Mum? As a wife?
Do I make enough time for others? For me?!
Well - the answer is yes. Absolutely.
I have flaws, I'm not always ticking all the boxes and certainly there are things I can do to improve - BUT I believe in myself. And really that's all that matters.
Feck off Doubt. You have no place here.
And as for those shoes? I think they will be retired.
It's not like I don't have plenty more! ;-)
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