My Mum (and Dad) used to say "you'll get your reward in Heaven" and to a degree I think that's about right.
But sometimes it means that your on the giving end...........alot. And that means some one else is taking.
Or just plain taking the piss.
So do you wait for the reward in Heaven?!! Or do you throw your toys?!
Okay so I'm not good at throwing toys. I can probably throw a bit of a wobbly (or use swear words in my blog!) but that's about I guess I'll wait.
I suppose that's just the person I am. And it sometimes burns (like indigestion) and sometimes I couldn't care less.
It's the way of the world. The Givers and Takers. I see the Givers in my friends, and my really good friends are 'cut from the same cloth' as me. So in my wee world it balances out.
At some point I know that the Takers will find that everyone has had enough. They have nothing left to give and they will find themselves perhaps regretting their decisions. Perhaps not. But at the end of the day I would rather Give. For the most part it's a good feeling. I know it's right and yes that reward will wait. Hopefully for a very long time.
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