It's been up, down and all over the place!
Miss Five started school - all going swimmingly apart from the fact I miss having her about.
Master Eight has had to deal with stink arse friends - but is doing well.
The Fundraising effort we have been working on has been great, horrid and then awesome.
My house seems like a tip - beginning to be like this alot.
Life is back into a routine - and I'm now missing the holidays..........
I think the only thing holding me together this week is my friends.
You have the friends that email with an outstanding quote that hits the nail on the head in my search for "what I want to be when I grow up"
Then there is the friend that returns an email I sent late and night and tells me that I should be going to bed earlier or I'll get sick. Bless.
The friend that sends Miss 5 a text to wish her a great day at school - which she loved!
The friend that will quite literally take a stink job off my hands and think about canning a holiday to help the cause (not going to happen girlfriend!)
The 'think about things' a different way and offer some outstanding solutions while offering to help with whatever she can, because she can - friend.
The friends that make you laugh, even at yourself. But mostly along with you.
And of course the Farmer.
The Farmer who helps by putting up signs and picking up the slack. Tolerating my absent mindedness. The extra glass of vino required on that really sucky day, especially as he's not drinking.
There is alot to be said for the love that friends give, in whatever way, on whatever day for whatever cause. And I am blessed with many.
Thank you friends. You know who you are. You know that I love you. And you WILL remind me to shut my mouth when I have any more really good ideas.
x x Jane x x
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