Saturday, January 12, 2013

Thank them too.

Most days seem to roll by with a series of jobs to be done.  They are things that just need to be done to get out the door, to get to the next place or do the next thing.

I'm not a hard task master by any account but sometimes it just seems difficult to get it all done.  And usually there is a bit of moving the kids along to help.  Sometimes I growl.  Sometimes I cajole.  Sometimes it's faster if I do it myself.

What I don't remember to do often enough is to praise.

We got back from a week of camping.  There was unpacking, washing, sorting, groceries, repacking (we are going away again), make a plate, plan for Master Eights family BBQ and deal with the very full inbox, phone messages and other misc bits.

The kids did really well.  And when they were asked to help, they did.

Given they are tired from some pretty full on days, early mornings and hot nights.....they really did do well.

I'm not sure why I didn't think to Thank them.  Perhaps I was just too busy to notice. 

So tomorrow, I'm going to Thank them for helping, for being part of the family, for taking on more responsibility and for being good kids.

Who knows, they might just want to do it again!!

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