Sunday, October 14, 2012

Leap of faith

So I've just done my first 'proper' photography event/shoot - whatever you'd like to call it.

How did it go? 

Hmmmm well, a few extremely anxious days, teeny tiny bit of stress, a whole lots of photos, sore shoulders and I would say that it went okay.

Could I have done better?  Highly likely.  However I figure that you have learn from everything, good and bad.  And it was mainly good.

I'm certainly not raving about how fantastic I am.  I have yet to get the photos to the "client" and they might not be up to scratch.  So who knows!  Lets just watch this space'.

But I guess the reason I thought it was important to blog about it is that I was totally out of my comfort zone.  I like taking photos.  I take lots of my children, landscapes, nieces and nephews.  Of other peoples kids at parties.  Family functions.  And I enjoy it.  I am learning.  While juggling everything else I have tried to do more with it but my timing is a bit off.  It doesn't bother me though.  I know I can take my time and keep on going.

The reason I got so out of my depth though, was someone elses faith in my ability.  And probably if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have done it.  And I have to say, it's a pretty cool feeling when someone else thinks you'd do okay......even if secretly you think you won't!  So if nothing else it's worth a Thank you! (Thank you K and AW!!)

Who knows what will come of this.  Possibly nothing.  I'm not sure if I'm ready for anything else right now.  But what I do know, what I have learned from this is that being out of my comfort zone, being pushed to try something new and taking a mammoth leap of faith is that I am up for a challenge.  And that has given me a great sense of confidence. 

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