It's incredibly important to have some goals in life. Something to strive for. A dream, idea or a wish.
I am a planner. I like to know where I'm going, and what I'm doing....... and what the outcome will be.
Yes, I'm one of 'those' people.
I also, rightly or wrongly, set my standards high. By keeping the bar high I feel like I'm always being the best I can be. But here are some things you should know about that........
1. Having the bar set high means your always reaching to be really good at whatever you do. I would call this personality building.
2. It some times means that your view on the world and others view on the world is different. Obviously their view is wrong......
3. Sometimes going for that really high bar means you get a hell of sore neck looking up at it all the time. Make sure your medical insurance is up to date.
4. While going for that bar you sometimes need assistance. It takes a humble person to ask for help. But when the contents of a wine bottle doesn't help, you might to rethink your plans. Although it does make for a nice break.....
5. When the bar is totally out of reach, good friends will know just how to knock that son of a bitch down.
In conclusion, I have tailored my bar to a height where my averagely sized person can attain it without too much injury, with moderate success and a considerable amount of fun.
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