Whoo hoo! One more sleep! Till what?!! Till I get to have a mini break with my Ma and Pa without the Farmer and kids. And yes I might miss them......for maybe a nanosecond??!! HA!
My list of to do jobs before I go is diminishing and the excitement building. Tomorrow morning I will be almost unbearable to be with.....
Destination Melbourne. Staying for 5 nights....really only there for 4 days but 4 days of fun, food, shopping, and of course photos (Sorry Dad.....!) I'm even looking forward to just waiting for the plane - I can whip out my book and read with out feeling guilty about all the things I should be doing.
When I get back I hope to be relaxed, recharged, poorer, appreciated and missed......will see!
And before you think what a spoilt tart.......I really DO appreciate this and know how incredibly lucky I am to be going away! I quite possibly have the Bestest Parents in the universe!
So Thanks Mum and Dad.....am really looking forward to spending some quality time with you and Making Memories!!
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