Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Finding the humour.

Every now and then I will flick back to some of my old blog posts and have a re-read.  Correct me if I'm wrong (people who know me in the real world) but I think that the posts are just like talking to me..... 

I'm a geek.  A bit of a fool (a nice fool that is).  And large percentage of myself is "nerdy pants".  And I'm proud of it. 

But what I noticed about my blog posts is that I'm generally always having a laugh, sometimes a rant but mainly a laugh.

And the ability to be able to laugh should not be under estimated.

The ability to be able to laugh at oneself, well quite frankly is legend.

I like to laugh and if I can make someone else laugh through my failings, experiences, ups downs or sideways then even better.

I almost started another blog on the darker side of me (I think I was having a bout of PMT) but then realised I had nothing to write about.

When it comes to the big picture of life we need to remember that we are only here for just a while.  So you may as well find some humour in the journey.  And while your laughing about it all, make sure you share the love and let someone else know the punchline!

And in case you think I'm talking a load of rubbish.....these guys have a bit to say on the subject:


A day without laughter is a day wasted - Charlie Chaplin
With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come - Williams Shakespeare
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter - E. E. Cummings
Laughter is an instant vacation - Milton Berle
You can't deny laughter, when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair
and stays as long as it wants - Stephen King.
If love is the treasure, laughter is the key - Yakov Smirnoff

Laughing is my kind of exercise! - Jane Redward 


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

And the downs.

Ah yes.  The Downs.

What goes up must ................yep exactly.

So after a wonderful two weeks of friends, fun. memories, laughs, shopping (the good sort), no school lunches, no homework, no 'paid' employment (essentially two weeks of bliss) reality has hit.  Hard.

It's back to lists of jobs to do. 

Planning meals, town trips, organising a bike ride fundraising event (did I not say 'never again'?!!), trying to juggle the needs of the children with school things that are on with the needs of the overworked Farmer while keeping the (new) puppy from a) blowing away in the ridiculous winds we have been having or b) eating my shoes.  And that sentence clearly needs more comas so you can breathe while reading it!

In saying that, I have wrapped the children's Christmas and Birthday presents and am feeling fairly organised in terms of gift buying so that's got to be good news.

I'm back walking again - FANTASTIC......really missed that, and my walking buddies.

I've enjoyed being back at my "paid employment" - it's surprising how much you grow fond of other peoples children!

There are plenty of social plans afoot over the next few weeks for mischief wine drinking catching up with people.

Hmmm so in fact although I was going to have a whinge about the "Downs" it would appear the "Ups" are taking over.

Super good news!