Tuesday, March 27, 2012

New Life.

It's a wonderful feeling to be reminded about the joys of joining the club of parent hood. 

Not me, mind you.  My two are more than enough for me....in a good way!

Very recently a dear friend of mine has given birth to a beautiful baby boy.  His journey began years ago and the result of much worry, stress, highs, lows and love has finally resulted in his arrival.

When I got the call I was a semi-hysterical mess.  In between tears and laughter I tried to piece together the words to congratulate, celebrate and welcome him to the world, possibly not well but with the utmost heartfelt joy.

This has lead to me think about parenting.  How we can take for granted the privilege of being a parent.  And it is. Just ask anyone who has had an unsuccessful journey in trying to be a parent.

Yes, it's hard.
Yes, the hours suck.
Yes, they make you cross.
Yes, it's a juggle.
Yes, your likely want to yell occasionally and
yes, there is heart ache, back ache and teething.

But the joys of it are unfathomable.

Like today, I saw a friends daughter just GLOW by being given the opportunity to dish out stamps to the other kids at kindy.  My heart swelled with pride for her, and she's not even my child!

Watching your child try and achieve something.  Master 7 has had some extra help with his speech and I got asked to meet up with his speech therapist and she praised him for all his efforts....he's worked hard, and success for him was my reward too.  for the nights we've sat trying to get it right, thinking I'd rather have a wine, has paid off.  And him getting there is cause for praise.

Even when Miss 4 said tonight after I called her Baby Girl - "Mum, please call me a Big girl, I'm a big girl now" is a wonderful thing....although she'll always be my baby girl......just don't tell her that!

So being a parent - HUGE.  And this quote probably sums it up nicely........

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. 
It is to decide forever to have your heart
go walking around outside your body. 
~Elizabeth Stone

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

"Mum, just be yourself..."

So having just Master 7 for the last few days has been awesome.  He's such a shining star in my world.  His thoughts are kind, loving and often come out of left field. 

Like today, having a chat at the kitchen bench, about lots of things.  Then a statement from him:  "Mum. just be yourself...."

Where that came from I have no idea.  I asked him what made him say that....."no reason".....quizzed him if it came from school, "nope".

I think he is going to be the next Dalai Lama.

If I had that kind of wisdom at 7 I would have been a far more confident, happy and self assured person as I progressed through life.

I don't think I try to be anyone other than myself, but perhaps Master 7 knows otherwise. 

It sometimes is hard to fit in.  Sometimes being different is lonely and awkward. 

The key is having the knowledge that your being true to yourself, that your loved and special for who you are.

Armed with this knowledge I'm sure Master 7 will be himself.  And if he forgets, I can remind him, just like he's reminded me.

Master 7

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Being in love with the sky.

If there is one thing that taking endless amounts of photos has taught me it's that the smallest things change in a minute.

If you see something beautiful, either take a photo or stand and admire it before it's gone.

The most beautiful thing I see here, daily in good weather and bad, is the sky.  The clouds are ever changing, the sun in the morning is stunning, the colours of a sunset can be tinged in shades of pink up against the bluest background.  Truly breath taking.

But if you don't believe me, then let me show you......

All these photos were taken in March 2012 by myself!

Monday, March 12, 2012

1000 page views - crikey dickens!

Wow!  So I've had 1000 page views on my wee old blog......Who knew?!

It's surprising as I've only given my details so a very (privileged) few so the rest of the readers must have stumbled upon my blog in some other way.  And some might even be repeat readers!  Which does surprise me somewhat!

I mean it's a funny thing blogging.  I type, get out my frustration, share my joy, have a whinge, pass on a recipe....you know - whatever....and people......friends, family and then strangers read all about it.  Kinda random really, don't you think?

I think about trying to explain this to my Grandma.  "Why?" would be her first question.  And probably quite a good one.  I suppose "why not?" is also a valid question. 

I'm happy to think that perhaps someone has read my blog and got something out of it, even if it's a giggle, or a 'Christ I'm happy I'm not that woman' ....either way it works for me.  And I guess 1000 page views means I mays well keep doing it!

Thanks for reading! 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Married 9 years and still in love!

So tomorrow is our 9 year Wedding Anniversary.  I'm blogging about it now because I am going to be hanging out with my significant other tomorrow night!

My Farmer is the rock in my life.  He is my best friend, certainly most enduring, the father of my kids and the love of my life (unless Johnny Depp is reading this then he is my 2nd....tee hee!)

The Farmer and I knew we were meant to be together after a week.  We, like any couple, have hard patches.....mortgages, children, farming and even building a house are all things that have been bumps in the road....but they have made us stronger.  We are a team.  And I hope our kids can see that.  It's what we want for them.

I'm grateful that I am blessed with such a good husband/father and friend.  Looking forward to many, many, many more anniversaries and to growing grey together!

One of my favourite wedding photos!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Okay folks it's time for another recipe.  And this time it was DELICIOUS!  It's really just a very tasty scrambled eggs - you could have along side bacon, hash browns, toast as a brunchy type breakfast.  Tonight it was just a super quick tea and I really really liked it!

Akoori from the book: The Kindness of Strangers – Kitchen Memoirs

by Shonagh Koea

75 grams of butter
Two tablespoons of oil
Two medium onions, sliced
A piece of fresh ginger (about three centimetres) peeled and chopped
One large stalk of coriander leaves
Three green chillies
A medium sized tomato cubed
Six eggs
Salt to taste
Two tablespoons of milk

Heat the butter and oil in a pan.  Sauté the sliced onions and ginger till light brown.  Add the chopped coriander leaves, chopped green chillies and tomato cubes to the pan.  Break the eggs into a separate bowl.  Add salt and milk and beat lightly.  Pour the egg mixture into the pan containing the onion mixture, lower the heat and stir carefully till cooked like scrambled eggs.  Serve hot, garnished with more coriander and tomato cubes.  This dish can be served in individual portions with triangles of toast or friend bread, or it can be put in a bigger serving dish for people to help themselves.

The actual recipe I was given was for twice this quantity and the chef said it was ideal for brunch parties but much has escaped me since then, including brunch parties, so I have halved the recipe.  You can put any leftovers in vol-au-vent cases and these are very nice if you are having people visit for drinks and little bits to eat.  This is another thing that has also passed me by, so I keep the leftover for lunch the next day and they are not too bad at all served with a  green salad and a piece of wholemeal bread.
  Janes' review:
1; being a sucky flop 2;definitely do this one again  3; being add to your repertoire immediately
Taste: Oh yeah baby this will be being done again 3!
Ease: quick and tasty! 3
Family verdict: The Farmer "very nice"; Master 7 : "Mum this is my favourite meal ever!" and Miss 4 - well lets just say, she's in bed and her tea is still on the bench. 3 out of 4 aint' bad!

Monday, March 5, 2012

My children. Just when I thought I couldn't love them anymore.....

My kids never fail to astound me.

Not only are they loving, funny, wonderful creatures but they are full of imagination and joy.

Since we have got home from school today they have been nothing but wonderful to each other.  They have collaborated to make an amazing play area for lots of small toys.....without fights and included each other in whatever part they were doing/building.  When Miss 4 was struggling with something Master 7 jumped in to help. 

Master 7 has hugged me today, without reason and Miss 4 has been a kind friend to the other children I've had today............she did a fantastic job face painting them!

And probably they do this more often than I give notice, but today for whatever reason it's been incredibly obvious to me.  And I will need to reflect on this on the days when they drive me bananas.

I love you both so much................Thank you for being my world
love Mummy

Sunday, March 4, 2012

A celebration of all things old...

I had some friends over today for 'afternoon tea'.  I had been wanting to dust off my collection of family tea cups, dollies and special plates.  It's lovely to have these things but if they aren't used, whats the point!?!!

And while making some treats to eat at afternoon tea I couldn't help think about my Grandma, and Mum who couldn't make it today.  I know Grandma would have loved it today.  We would have heard stories, had lots of laughs and marveled about her tomato sandwiches, which I couldn't bring myself to make.

It's times like this I miss her the most.  But at the same time I feel very close to her.

Busy times in our lives sometimes stop us from the golden moments.  The long afternoon teas where you can talk amongst friends, new and old.  You can share stories, discuss parenting trials and tips.  And laugh.  Then laugh some more.

There is probably something to be said about old fashioned tea rooms - a far cry from the 'takeaway coffee' and racing pace we live.

So my celebration of all things old, spending quality time and friendship is marked today.  I plan to do it again very soon!

A special mention to the chief photographer - The Crafter!