Sunday, October 30, 2011

A little bit of spooky fun......Halloween!

Like the muggins that I am, I thought I would have wee Halloween party for Master 6.  Two reasons really....firstly his birthday falls at a pretty stink time in terms of birthday party...most of his buddies are on holiday.....and secondly he is right into "scary stuff"........

So today was the day....and it was alot of fun.....Master 6 count down had been happening for about a week.....and his face was pretty happy when he saw we had bats, spiders and webs, skeletons and spooky eyes all over the place!

We had lots of mouth watering food....blood baths, spider bites and bleeding fingers....yummo.  We had games, tricks and the Farmer and I even got into the swing of things with costumes....his fake hand was probably the winner!

Yes it took a bit of work and I enjoy that, because the reward really was knowing how much Master 6 loved it......and a got a foot rub out of it win if you ask me!

Some pics from today!

The Farmer trying to be Edward Cullen....and failing some what...... luck for him I still love him, even if he is human!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Getting back on top

So it's been a superb week.  Feeling like I'm getting ahead, on top, climbing the mountain ....or whatever.  I feel organised, happy and productive (in no particular order.)

And today is Friday. WHOOP WHOOP! 

That's really all I have today say in fact.  But I did want to share this as I may make it my motto....for future reference......

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Beef in red wine

Beef in Red Wine from the book: The Kindness of Strangers – Kitchen Memoirs

by Shonagh Koea

500 grams of any stewing steak (it does not matter how cheap it is)
A little fat or oil
Two medium onions
Four tomato's, cut into quarters
A few black or green olives, halved and stoned
One carrot, diced

Cut the steak into neat matchbox- sized squares.  At this stage it is important to be very neat about this, because the finished dish will look much better.  Brown these in a pan with the fat or oil then put them in either a saucepan or a casserole dish.  Cut up the onions and fry them in the same pan till they are golden, then add the tomatoes, black or green olives and carrot.  Allow this mixture to fry together in the pan for a few moments.  Add half a teaspoon of thyme or mixed herbs, pepper and salt and two cloves of garlic cut into tiny pieces.  Stir in two glassfuls of red wine and then add to the meat in the saucepan or casserole.  Add a little more wine if necessary so the contents are covered completely.
If you are cooking this in a saucepan, put a piece of greaseproof paper over the top and ram the lid down as tightly as you can and stew very gently for two or three hours – longer is better.  If you are cooking it in the oven in a casserole dish, put it in a slow over (about 150° Celsius) and leave it for a similar length of time.  Check the level of liquid from time to time and if necessary add more red wine.

I used to double this recipe if I needed to, but these days I hardly ever do this because there is just me.  If there are no fresh tomatoes available, or if they are too expensive, I use tinned ones.
Janes' review:
1; being a sucky flop 2;definitely do this one again  3; being add to your repertoire immediately
Taste: Very Tasty
Ease: very simple, prepare and leave!

Monday, October 24, 2011

A weighty issue

So I was reading a post from goodgollyholly being-overweight-does-not-really-work and could totally hear what she was saying.  Her honesty and candor speaks volumes about the issues we have with weight, exercise, "drive", motherhood and life in general.  And she's funny to boot.

I felt compelled to comment on her post and in doing so have been thinking about it ever since.

Over the weekend I have been having a mammoth reassessment of my removing allot of clothes that I no longer fit.  And truthfully it's quite rewarding.  I have been carting clothes around for YEARS that I will never get back into.  Talk about a chain around your neck knowing they are there and you can't fit them.  But even so it's hard looking in the mirror as TRY and fail to do up pants that I loved. 

Yep I'm carrying lots of extra weight.  I know it.  Accept it.  Have good days and bad. 

But does it define me?

Is it what other people see when they look at me?

What about my good points?

Oh yes my good points.  I have them.  Things I like about myself, that perhaps others do as well. 

So after this weekend of thinking lots about weight and all the things I know I need to do get rid of it and how I feel about it....well you know I actually feel OK.  Which in all honesty is the biggest step up for me in a long time. 

And who knows I may lose some weight one of these days too.  You just never know.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Flying the Flag - Rugby World Cup 2011

Feeling a little lazy today so am sneakily using my letter to the editor of the local paper to double as a post....... Ha!

I’ve just come home to the Bay from a week away around the North Island.  And I felt I had to share the enormous joy I got from seeing us as a country flying the flag for the All Blacks.

 It didn’t matter where we were, there was flags and messages of support for the All Blacks on just about anything.  Rural NZ had flags on fences, in paddocks, in trees, messages on barns, roofs, made from tyres, with balloons and streamers and even on a farm bike.  Not only were there flags on cars but in the towns they adorned windows, mobility scooters, boats and all sorts of business showed their support by flying flags off flagpoles to fishing rods.

The thing that made me proudest was that it wasn’t just all about the All Blacks.  There were messages for the other countries too.  When we saw overseas tourists out and about they were warmly  greeted and given the real Kiwi welcome that can only come from a being a small nation. 

Well done to us all!

And GO THE AB’s!

Monday, October 17, 2011

I'm baaaaaaack!

Well after a much needed break from all things domestic, well at least domestic work here, I have returned with my family - a little more relaxed than when I departed.

The Holiday was fab with stop offs all over the place in the North Island (of New Zealand that is...) and it was wonderful to catch up with lots of people, be reminded what a beautiful country we live in and spend time with my family.

Although the days seemed to fly by with fishing adventures, sandcastles, the occasional vomit (the kids not me), a bit of Rugby World Cup essential viewing and sightseeing I've found myself back an into routine without much fuss i.e. washing machine given a work out, supermarket visited, food cooked, kitchen bench a bomb site and a wine in hand.

So in an effort to not bore everyone to tears on my first post back I will leave you with a couple of pics.

Friday, October 7, 2011

todays the day....

We are leaving in T minus....shit its too hard (and I'm too excited) to count down the hours but we are going on a family holiday TODAY!

So one of two things will happen:

a) we will have a superb time - I will get quality time with my farmer and children to make some wonderful memories and relax for a bit without having the day to day grind in my face so therefore will be a calm serene happy person


b) everyone will drive me batty and I will come back from holiday, clear out the bank accounts and get a one way ticket to Europe.

Place your bets now and wait for the results!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


As I teen I really wanted to be famous, of course that's how you would meet the teen stars in all the mags.  Once I realised I had no desire to be an actor (years of speech and drama didn't create an overnight success), that I had no vocal talents and wasn't model material I moved on. 

Or maybe I haven't, maybe I'd still like to be rich and famous........yeah.................nah.........still can't sing, model or act!
However I still wonder what it must be like.  For your friends to be celebs, live in a fishbowl, have stuff done for you, told what to wear and where to be and be 'seen'.  To make a statement and then regret it but for the world to judge you on it.  To pretend, for the most part, about everything around you being "normal".  Imagine everyone always having an opinion on you, without knowing you.  Being judged, constantly.  When does the acting stop and real life kick in? 

I think the Fame part that brings in the big bickies would be great but the rest you can have.  I like being able to make dumb arse statements and  have friends that are friends and won't sell dodgy pics of me after 3 to many wines to the tabloids -  not that there are any (........that I remember!)

Is it just "youth" that puts a shine on Fame and all it's trimmings?  Does the lifestyle appeal? Money? Great clothes? Is it the trashy mags?  Is Fame just about being a celebrity?  Or can Fame come from other things? 

I know there are a number of very talented people I know that should be famous for their work on creative projects, but its a different sort of Fame.  A respected Fame.  Being good at something like painting is poles apart from well acting Fame.  Which is a good thing cos my clever friends might not want to hang out with me otherwise!!

The reason I decided to do a post on Fame was Johnny Depp has just done an article for a mag, not sure which one and said something about the photo shoots are like being raped.  Though that was probably the a poor choice of words I kind of understand what he was getting at.  It's a double edged sword in some senses, if your in front of the camera you shoot a movie then have to promote it, even though you hate doing that type of thing, to make the movie sell you need to "sell" also - your face and name.

I'd really like to meet Johnny talk him, obviously that's the only reason....Nothing to do with the fact he is delicious.  No really, he appeals not just for the Fame aspect but because he appears to be well rounded in his interests, acting roles, and he likes wine....truly he has a vineyard...apparently!!  And he has two kids a girl and a boy, so we have LOTS in common!  However part of me feels like a stalker for wanting to met him!  So I'll cancel the plane tickets for now and maybe if he's over this way he can swing by for a vino.  I'll keep you posted if he drops by!

In the meantime a wee gem to get you thinking about Fame.....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Having a bad day

The world has been hard on Miss 3 and 3/4 this afternoon.

She got lost at the new Warehouse shop - wouldn't have if she had listened to her mother though - hold my hand has a reason me thinks.....??!

She had an "accident" at the swimming pools while getting changed.

She fell over while running at the swimming pools - perhaps that is why Mummy says don't run at the pools?!

The dumb arse person at the McDonald's drive thru forgot her fries - I gave her mine, thankfully they remembered them.......

She NEEDED to go for a pee on the way home cos she was BUSTING so we pulled over, got in the correct peeing position for her only to wee on her pants.

and Mummy won't give her a hot wheat bag, cos she only needs in when she has a sore tummy which seems to have manifested reasonably quickly....but frankly I don't buy it.

She's tired, I'm tired, she's in bed, I'm about to have some form of booze.

Thankfully Master 6 is tucked up in bed without incident, goodness knows what may happen otherwise!

Hows your day been?!

I'm still here!

Okay so posts aren't daily anymore.  Is this a bad thing?  Does anyone miss me?!

I read somewhere that you should do a good post, ie something witty, clever, interesting but not tooooooo often.  So I thought that sounded reasonable IF I wanted lots of people to read my blog.  But while being in withdrawal of my daily ramblings I thought about it more and have decided - I don't care what I "should" do, I'll do what I WANT to do!

So back to my mindless trivial blogs to get things out of my head and thoughts from cluttering my brain.

If it's too often, then don't read! HA!

In saying this, the family holiday is looming and I will be totally off the radar - which will be nice but I bet I'll have allot to say when I get back.

Anyway I just want to say, I'm still here, I've missed my ramblings and it's time to have breakfast!

Have a good day!

Monday, October 3, 2011


I can't claim to be a fashionable person.  I have discovered that alot of my wardrobe is black.  And you know what, black isn't that great on me.  It has taken a very dear friend, alot of laughing and some hard home truths to step up and get rid of a number of things in my wardrobe over the weekend.  In fact, I probably could get rid of some more if I was being completely honest with myself but may find myself in the terrible situation of having to run about naked for lack of clothes.

For me understanding my body shape (??!) has got to be more important that what size I am.  I no longer have a flat belly....may never have had one - but admitting it, dressing for it and moving on has to be pivotal in regaining some self-confidence.

Thinking about put in a bit of colour, working on my best features and being kind to myself will also help.  And not bargain shopping but shopping for what I need, what suits and what will go with existing clothes will benefit me no end, it's just remembering that!

When I look at what I'm about to give away ..... the amount of money I have spent on things that no actually fit or are completely wrong for me I cringe, but I guess we have all done it.  The pair of pre-child pants we LOVE but you can't do up only make you feel horrendous about yourself......knowing you can't go back there.  But if they AREN'T lurking in the wardrobe, tauting you, you can realistically move on.

I have also always felt I haven't had a 'style' either, you know the collar up pearls and Levi's - preppy sort of look, the quirky free spirit look, sporty (never ever going to be me) or classic crisp white shirt, jeans and blazer style- I don't fit the box and perhaps even 'getting' that is helpful.

I also have to factor in my job.  With kids I don't want to feel precious about what I'm wearing.  There is glue, paint, dribble, food, snot and some times things I don't even want to discuss ending up on me and my clothes - so I have to be comfortable and wear things that will wash well.

Don't expect a hot new me, but perhaps watch a gradual transformation of me at almost 36 years of age finding my fashion fit.