Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tinge of green

My Dad phoned me yesterday.  It was a nice surprise!  He'd asked me if I'd noticed the trees "they have a tinge of green" he said.  I hadn't noticed but on looking, can confirm he was right!  I've considered myself more thoughtful and reflective since I've started to blog but I missed this one completely! 

As I drove back from school today, noisy little tike's in tow, I noticed the green on the trees and smiled. 
So Thanks Dad, for reminding me to stop and enjoy the small things.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Pianist's Fish Pie

Another recipe tried today.  The farmer is out at a work event so I have only my opinion and the children's to give.  See below!

Pianist’s Fish Pie from the book: The Kindness of Strangers – Kitchen Memoirs
by Shonagh Koea
 Three cups of cold cooked fish of any sort (tinned smoked fish is fine)
Salt and pepper
Half a teaspoon of nutmeg
Chopped parsley to garnish
Two cups of white sauce (some chopped parsley can be put in this as well if you like parsley)

To make the white sauce melt two level tablespoons of butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan, slowly stir in two level tablespoons of flour and then add two cups of milk, stirring carefully all the time.  When it bubbles add chopped parsley if desired and the sauce is now ready to pour over the other ingredients.  Arrange the fish and breadcrumbs and seasonings (salt, pepper and nutmeg) in alternate layers in a suitable pie dish (a deep one would be best), then pour the white sauce over all this before the last layer of breadcrumbs.  Bake in a moderate over (about 160 degrees Celsius) for twenty minutes.
You can easily make the sauce the previous day or earlier in the day and put the pie together when you need it.  It is not necessary to do everything at once.  You could also make a smaller pie with half the quantities if you wish.
Janes' review:
1; being a sucky flop 2;definitely do this one again  3; being add to your repertoire immediately

Taste: 3 super easy, very very creamy and delicious
Ease: 3 Quick to put together 
Children's review - "It's horrible cold" Miss 3 "Well you should have friggin eaten it when it was hot then" - Mummy
"Delicious" Master 6 - I will keep cooking for that boy!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The new form of torture......whinging.

I have decided (it has yet to be confirmed with Nigel Latta, Diane Levy and Jo Frost aka Super Nanny but I'm sure they'll agree) that whinging is a form of torture.

Slept deprivation comes a close second but as the kids grow up they tend to sleep better at night and then whinge throughout the day more.  Aha the ever changing joys of parenthood.

Why do they do it?  What do they think will happen if they keep at it?  It's putting their lives in danger and mine - I don't think prison would agree with me.

I'm not sure why but at the moment the whinging is at a record high.  Perhaps it's just my absolute intolerance of it.  Perhaps it's that I'm tired, little people are waking TOO DAMN EARLY around here.  Perhaps it's because they know it drives me mental.  Really who knows but I swear the next time one of my kids starts to whinge they will be getting a mega dose of it back before I throw a full blown tantrum and send myself to my room.

LOOK OUT MY DARLINGS.....Mummy loves you but the torture is going to STOP!

PS this is not a blog for first time parents wanting tips on how to be a good mother.  More of a Mother going - gone (??) mad kinda blog.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pimms makes the world a happy place

It's been a funny sort of day.

Highs and lows really.

I've enjoyed it for the main part.

But I think that's largely due to the fact I was slurping a beer and eating fries at lunch time.  That the household chores were shared. That I got to take some lovely pics of my children. And that I have spent the last hour or so watching Thunder birds as part of family movie time with the farmer and the kids.  While slurping a Pimms.  You may see a pattern here.

I will share my photo with you before perhaps topping up my glass and will leave you with the thought.....
"Most worries are reruns"

Friday, August 26, 2011

Milo and Otis

Well today is better than yesterday and that is definately a good thing!

Today's highlight watching Milo and Otis ond DVD with Miss 3 and giving her cuddles when she got scared.
The mountain of washing was scaled today.  And yes I needed climbing gear to do so.

I now have wine in hand and although the weekend is busy I'm feeling ok about it.

At least I don't have to change any poopy nappies.

And the Farmer will be on hand all weekend.  YAY! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I hit the wall ........and didn't even leave a mark (fricken wall)

So yesterday the wall and I collided.  The wall won.

It's been a crappola week.  And for all the positive thinking in the world I haven't been able to drag my sorry arse out of it.

However I think that when I hit the wall, some sense got knocked back into me.  And perhaps to get to that point was a redeeming factor.

I'm always doing to much.  It's my nature, I can't help it.  I have been better at saying No.  In fact it was my motto this year.  I'm not perfect at it but I'm getting better.  The biggest thing the wall reminded me, as I face planted it, was perhaps my position in the hierarchy of things should be elevated somewhat and that the only person who can do that is me.

Me time.  It's one of those over used terms, well I think.  Most normal Mums (and lets face it we are all working Mums - it's just whether we get paid or not) are told, you need me time.  And I am luckier than most.  I have had at least 2 weekends away this year without my kids, and another one coming up (Thank you dear Lord).  But I think the phrase "me time" isn't about a weekend or even an night off, it's about 10mins - coffee in hand, mag in the other.  I'm TERRIBLE at that.  If there is something to be done, I'm doing it.  My ability to switch off, ignore the washing, cleaning, crap on the floor, mess all over the dining table and general untidiness of my house is almost non-existent.

Until this week.  I haven't, literally, had the energy to do ANY of it.  Okay so I hung out some washing but it's now just been added to a MOUNTAIN of washing that now needs to be folded and put away.

One of the things that bothers me the most is being a grump to my kids.  I have a wee sign on my fridge "Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me".  Well not so much this morning.  I felt allot like a General....."get your shit together soldiers" wouldn't have been far of the mark.  Not the ideal Mummy scenario.

My mind has been whirling with lists, things to do, people to catch up with, jobs to finished, study and things I need from the supermarket.  But I haven't even been able to manage to clear my head enough to get rid of any of it.  Haven't written it down at all as I was too busy drowning it in.

Whether it be my 7.00 bed times, 3 coffees a day (I usually have one) or the fact the wall came up and bit me in my arse I'm not sure but today the fog has lifted, ever so slightly.  Today at least my smile feels genuine.  So really, I should be thanking the wall.  But I won't.  I'm going to have a coffee, sit down while my charges are asleep and read a mag.  Bugger making tea.  It can wait.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's hard to be glum ........

..........when you have wonderful friends

..........when you get to sleep

..........when the sun is shining

...........when your kids say I love you

...........when tomorrow is another day

..........when there is chocolate in the pantry (not anymore there ain't)

...........when you listen to a 9 month old sing

...........when you feel grass under your feet

..........when you get a cuddle from the one you love

..........when you have so many beautiful vista's to look at

Monday, August 22, 2011

Being grateful for all you have.

Words seem to escape me today.   Sad news has made me aware of the things I have.  And not just the "stuff".  So short and sweet today.  I just want anyone who reads this to remember to count your blessings, love those around you and know that you are loved.

Monday, Monday.

The weekend came, was fun, then went again.

How sucky is that?  2 fricken days? 

I don't feel at all ready for the week again.  Not even mildy ready.  Not for lack of trying. 

If it was a case of sink or swim, I'd be the rock at the bottom.

Not sure why, am usually incredibly organised and on to it.  Probably just need an extra day.  The juggling routine needs a little more refining perhaps?

Better get practising then.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Trials and tribulatons of a working Mum who does the mad arsed dance

There are good days and bad.

Today was a good one, mainly.

However I have just come in from hanging washing out in approx 6 degrees of bitter coldness.  Obviously not a chance that the washing will dry but if I left it any longer the flannels, towels and dishcloths would get up and walk around.  Yeah, nice.  My lounge already looks like Chinese laundry so it had to be done.  But currently I can't feel my fingers. 

You would think as I "work from home" I could manage to do it reasonable hours. Nup.  And as the frostbite (surely not an exaggeration) was settling in my fingers, towels flapping in my face with the lovely smell of comfort softener I began to reflect.

Working from home ain't all it's cracked up to be.  In fact I think it would be a damn sight easier to get in the car and 'go someowhere' to be at work.  Coffee breaks, adult conversation, lunch (not at a stupid hour), no access to the chocolate that lurks (or should I say DID) in the back of the pantry, no pressure to get things done that aren't 'work' related.  I could dress nicely, well nicer than what I'm wearing now I mean.  Makeup is good, my current charges don't really give a rats about how I look but sometimes the pimples (yes zits at my age, god help me!) could use hiding.  Not to mention the "laughter lines".

There are upsides though.  I get to drop my kids off, pick them up and especially with Miss 3 see the look of 'that's MY Mum' when I get her.  Sometimes I get more than one child asleep at the same time.  Precious precious time to myself.  I get to spend time with Miss 3 when she's not at the local preschool.  I get rewarded with smiles and cuddles from my charges.  I see there developmental stages and am learning to appreciate them.  When they are your own kids sometimes you miss them as your so busy with "life".  My work life means I stop and see them and get to share them with their parents.  I pretty sure that's appreciated.

It is rewarding.  And I know I'm good at it.  It's sometimes the juggle - mad arsed dance I do - to fit it all in that gets me.  So sometimes I'm tired.  I'd go as far as to say, sometimes I get a bit (just a bit) grumpy.  On the other hand how many people get to play, really play?  Observe and learn. 

And you know what - the whole mad arse dance may well catch on ....look at the macarena it was HUGE.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

No, there is nothing wrong with a mid week wine.

There isn't much you can say to convince me that having a BIG FAT GLASS of wine on a Tuesday is a bad thing.  Nup, there isn't.

The toys are picked up, home learning done, one child in bed, the other soon to follow, so a wine is a much needed deserved reward.

Some say it's not good to drink during the week, something about not coping or some other rubbish.  Others day that a glass of white bubbles red is good for health - that my friends is something I agree with.  My health has just picked up, look at my rosy red cheeks, proof!

And really it's not everyday, well maybe some weeks and from this week we are 2 for 2 but whose counting.  BACK OFF if you are!

Moral or point of todays blog post.  There isn't one.  Disappointing I know.  Built a bridge, and when you get to the other side, have a glass of wine!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Damn you Brownie

I have found something.  Something I didn't want to find.  Wait for it...... it's extra weight.  Right around my middle.  Really unattractive, and you want to know who is to blame?  Brownie.  Aha, yep, it's true.

Brownie.....you are evil chocolaty goodness, that is bad.  Very very bad.  You look all innocent, but lurking beneath that delicious dark brown layer is sugar, butter and chocolate - I should fricken know, I created you....AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY ME?!?!

How could you be so cruel? I need to find more weight like a hole in the head.  I'm trying to be good, chip and dip is banished - don't make me banish you too.

I won't be able to eat at all tomorrow.  I have nibbled and chomped my way through you today and have done nothing to deserve it - not a shred of exercise, no gate opening, no cleaning - NOTHING.  Frick, frick, frick.

Will someone please remind me next time I think it's a good idea to create such beautiful evilness, to send it to work with the Farmer.  Sigh.

Crisis a Foot!

I am totally devastated!

Last night I learned something.  Something that was special to me, can no longer be.  Well not how it once was and it's just awful.

I mean you grow up with these things don't you?  They are part of your lives and to feel them, almost unraveling before your eyes, well it's sad - the end of an era in some ways.

My favourite socks, ones with Scooby Doo on them are (pun intended) on their last legs.  Thread bare at the bottom - OMG!  How will I go on?  No but seriously, these are my favourites.  I had them long before the Farmer, that's over 11 years you realise....through good times and bad.

I don't think I can throw them away.  They might just live in my sock draw....a reminder of my youth, of fun times, and that things wear out.  Depressing AND sad. 

However in times like these it's important to remember that life must go on.  And I just need to remember all the good times we had together.

Bye Scooby socks.  You will be missed.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Was that the weekend?!

OH MAN!  Where did the weekend go?!  Unbelieveable!

It only felt like earlier on today that I was excitedly typing about Friday night...... And crapola it's Sunday night and I've got to get my head around this coming week.  And it's going to be busy one.  Man.  I'm tired just thinking about it.

I'm a little excited though, the forecast was for snow, maybe we'll get 'snowed in' and won't be able to work.....ba ha ha ha - insert hysterical laughing!

Okay so weekend highlights:

Master 6's first try - friggin missed it, but am so very proud of him
Sleepover with Grandma and Pa - fun, fun, fun - treasure hunt, takeaways for dinner, cooked breakfast just like a hotel without the price tag and better company!
Book club - always good to hear what people have enjoyed reading
Clean house - I know this shouldn't be a highlight but it is nice having a clean house, for at least half a day!
New storage - Got some cool cubes for Miss 3's room which is awesome, wonder if this means she'll keep her room tidy
Idea's - am charging with ideas for the next few weeks of things to do with my "kids"

So taking a very positive attitude for the week, it's going to be WICKED. I'm going to get so much achieved I won't even know myself by the end of the week.

Look out week, here I come!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday night

Oh Yeah, it's Friday!  Which means, well nothing all that exciting really.

And that's the point.

Nothing much at all.


It's been a busy week, filled with children, jobs, running to and from places.....the treadmill of life as we know it.  But it's Friday night and I can almost feel my shoulders relaxing.  I can leave small toys out as there will be no small people to swallow them and don't have to worry about tidying up if I don't want to.  Homemade Pizzas and watching a DVD with my husband is all that is planned - no study!

Oh the small pleasures.

And the biggest thrill.  Tomorrow is the weekend. AWESOME!

Have a good one!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wines, chats and friendship

Well it's late, late for me, but I have had a jolly good chat to a very good friend, discussing and putting to rights the world in all it's imperfections.

In fact my theory on life would be add wine and it all seems better.  Possibly not perfect but my solution all the same.

Thank you for visiting, talking, sharing and being non judgemental, funny and who you are!  Glad your my pal!  Crap that sounds a little 90's but I'm sure you'll deal with that! HA!

I'm so lucky I have so many wonderful friends that are clever, funny, warm and amazing people.....and I mean you all, old friends and new - your all awesome!

This is deciated to you all!

xxx Love Jane

Tears and silence

Don't ever take silence for granted.  It is a beautiful thing.  It has just settled on my house and as I type (and shovel lunch in my pie hole) I am L-O-V-I-N-G it.

It's not that I am unsympathic to small people and their tears, of course I am, but when will the well run dry?!  Is it teeth, tired, sick or just missing Mum......unfortunately for me it's just likely to be an age and stage thing which I will absorb and will come out the other end but for the minute it is harrowing on us both.

However while children are asleep I am enjoying the quiet, taking in the silence and SO at one with the world right now, it's ridiculous. 

So on that note I will go and enjoy some more peace, for at least another 2-3 mins...............

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The written word...

I've got cramp in my right hand from writing (and completing whoop whoop) an assignment tonight.  It's then some what amusing that I about whinging about it when I was lecturing advising telling informing Master 6 of the importance of being able to write. 

At his school there is a huge focus on all things technical.  And I get that, it's the way of the world.  But as I pointed out to him what if there was something major happen (Christchurch Earthquake springs to mind) and there was NO computers....or phones.....or TECHNOLOGY?!!  What would everyone do.  The response was silence.  Nice to know I have that effect on him.

I also, in vain I may add, tried to convey the nice feeling you get when you get a hand written note.  Not that a email isn't nice, but you know a note in the post, not on your birthday but for no reason at all.  The thought that someone took the time to write to you......I think this is where I lost him but essentially my point was made.

So yeah my hand hurts and probably my writing isn't that legible (especially after the amount of writing I just did) but I DO have the ability to write, spell (most of the time) and read.  Important values that sometimes I think get overlooked in this techno world we live in.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Weetbix Cake (well actually it's a slice)

Cutting to the chase - this is good but really bad for you.....Not rocket science people if it's in the house, someone has to eat it.  Make it at your peril.....it went straight to my bruised arse.  You were warned.
Weet-Bix Cake from the book: The Kindness of Strangers – Kitchen Memoirs
by Shonagh Koea
 Four Weet-bix
Two dessertspoons of cocoa
One cup of flour
Half a cup of sugar
Half a cup of desiccated coconut
100 grams of butter
Crush the Weet-bix thoroughly and finely into a bowl.  Add the cocoa, flour, sugar (I like brown sugar but any granulated sugar will do, depending on what you have in the cupboard) and coconut.  Melt the butter and add to the dry ingredients and mix well.  This is quite a crumbly mixture.  Press it out very firmly into a greased sponge roll tin and bake in a moderate oven (about 160 degrees Celsius) for fifteen minutes.  I find it helps to press the edges down very firmly with the flat side of a knife.  The old way of having this sieve was to put a thin dribble of chocolate icing over it while it was still warm and, when the icing was firm enough, to cut the slice into squares, usually about twenty- four.  Nowadays I quite often just cut it into finger shapes and dust it with icing sugar rubbed through a little sieve, or cut it into triangles for desert.  You can really do anything you like but it is a quick, handy little recipe and can be useful.  Best kept in the refrigerator.
Janes' review:
1; being a sucky flop 2;definitely do this one again  3; being add to your repertoire immediately

Taste: 2 but won't do it again......without sharing that is!
Ease: Had 2 mini helpers who could almost whip it together themselves

Kids taste test - "FANTASTIC"
Farmer taste test - "Good" original huh?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Farming injury - yes I have one.

I'm not cut out to be a high jumper.  I learnt this in a somewhat amusing but painful way.  In my haste to be as clever as the Farmer, while helping weigh up lambs yesterday, I thought I could copy his easy flick of legs over the sheep race.  Or not. 

I lifted my body up and over, and in my mind my legs would have effortlessly swung over.  In reality the large thighs - attached to my legs - got caught on the wire (not barbed wire thankfully) and well I can't describe it really....scraped, slid, bumped their way over.  Double over from the effort and pain....I can only explain as your legs being winded (yeah I know.....sounds very melodramatic)......I finished whatever the Farmer asked me to do, before clutching my general butt area and cursing some what. 

As soon as I was home I dropped my pants (more information that perhaps you wanted) to assess the damage.  Not the red welts I was expecting but later that day I was rewarded with a very LARGE bruise which by this morning was even LARGER and extremely impressive.  If it wasn't so close to my butt I would share this bruise as it's rather remarkable, even the Farmer thinks so.

The moral to this story? Certainly when your as uncoordinated as me don't try and be clever, it could be hazardous to your health, or at least your thighs.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

WHAT??? NO TV!!?

While talking to friends the other day it came up that we had no TV.  NO TV?!  OMG! Really????

The look that went across their faces was priceless....ARE YOU FREAKING MAD?  Well yes but not in relation to not having TV.  Don't get me wrong, we subscribe to FATSO to get DVDs delivered in the post and the kids have a range of DVDs to watch but since moving to our new pad we have chosen not to get the Televisions hooked up to the TV network.  Partly born from the Farmer not having much in the way of technical abilities and part from the fact it was Summer.

But here we are mid Winter, practically a year later - no TV. 

What's more startling that no TV is that we don't miss it.  Mostly.  There are a raft of adverts we haven't seen which makes seeing TV at other peoples house a killer of conversation as we ogle commercial breaks.  And if i go out (not often but often enough if your asking the Farmer) he misses it then.  But I don't think he's ever read so many books.  And I wouldn't have had the time to do all the other things I do with it around.

From an outside perception it must seem odd.  I guess it is.  However the kids have never played so well together.  We don't get the normal barrage of "Mum for Christmas/Birthday/right now can I please that really cool toy" when the ads come on.  Not missing that. And as far as programmes go I haven't missed any acronyms at all.  My life continued on without knowing the ins and outs of NCIS, CSI, ER or SVU.  I can get my fix of vampire programmes from the Twilight movies and as far as the News goes it's all bad anyway.  I will admit when the Christchurch Earthquake happened I was glued to the computer for whatever I could get.... but I was a teary wreck watching it so if I had TV I would have been a write off.

With the change of broadcasting (not sure of all the technical ins and outs) coming up and TVs not being able to cope we have thought about the need to upgrade our big, ugly, monster of a TV but really - we don't have the money for it and to what end?

At some stage we will get TV back but for now we have plenty to keep us entertained......speaking of which the Farmer has asked us to help him weigh up some sheep......so off we go!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Whoo hoo - I'm so bad arse!

Okay just guess what time I got home last night, nope not 10, 11 - ha I don't think so, 12.....WHATEVER....wait for it, wait for it............1 pm!  I'm such a party animal.....!  Oh yeah baby...... I am a crazy out there kinda girl, out ALL night, hanging with my girls................

Well perhaps it wasn't a party as such but it was still fun!  We had home made pizzas (and a delicious desert pizza!), wine, board game action and alot of laughs and chatting.  What more can you ask for a night out!  AND whats more no hangover.  Tthe joy of living rurally is driving your arse home again......and even opening gates when it's ZERO degrees outside wasn't so bad due to the fact it was SO late and I'm SO cool to be out so late!

And even better the kids slept in this morning so that rocks too!

All in all a good start to the weekend.  Bring it baby! 

Just remind me that I was charging now, when I'm asleep on the couch at 8.30 tonight.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Lambs and the eternal wish to be a good Mother

Hanging the washing this morning I noticed the lambs in the paddock next door, the neighbours.  All of a sudden they aren't the cute little bouncy newborns, they are bigger, fatter and taking a nibble of grass....very much on their way to lamb-hood.  A separation from Mummy Sheep, followed by more grass and eventually yum yum mint sauce.

The point of this?  Well I really was surprised by how quick they'd changed (chopping their tails off does make them grow up quick I find!).   In the context of my life though it puts things in perspective.  Kids do grow quickly.  And before long, your babies are gone.  And my babies are still here and they need me.  So I am reassessing things and will make things work to fit them in the equation, because really they are the most important thing in my, our, lives.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Feeling a little F-L-A-T.......

(not to be confused with feeling a little FAT)

Meet with Master 6's teacher today.  He's a bit behind where he should be and it breaks my heart.  He has so much to give, such a big desire to learn but he just hasn't got the basics down pat yet, and I believe it's holding him back from sharing all that is rattling around in him.  To paint a picture,  and obviously I'm his Mum so am TOTALLY bias.....he's a charmer (even his teacher admitted he's a likeable clown!), he's funny, he's active, he's smart (I totally believe that), he's caring, kind and he's my (okay well our) son-shine.

Am I doing entirely the wrong thing by doing my current job and not being available to him after school???? More often that not, I have 1 or more little people around and about.  It makes giving him some one on one time to do home work or trying other things near impossible.  I then lock myself away in a room to study....given that I will be finished that soon I probably shouldn't worry too much but I really feel I am letting him down.

Am going to have to have some serious thinking on this one.  Glad I've had a vent before he gets home though.....don't want to freak him out with the over the top mother thing........I'm sure I have plenty of years ahead of me for that.

It's too much like hard work........

..........trying to be an over achiever.  So, I've decided not to be one, an over achiever that is. 

Can't really see the point to be truthful.  We are all busy enough, and lets face it, no one likes a snug over achiever.....so you can trust me on this one, its definitely not for me.
In reality I'm more a manic, wine swilling, swearing, hysterical laughter kinda gal.  And yes I have those moments of being very well organised.  And then have moments of lying in bed thinking, when the fuck am I going to get the time, find the energy and/or inclination to do all this stuff?

So don't continue reading my blog if your expecting such things as well being super clever, I can do it all, with my eyes shut, sort of things.  However if you would like a random giggle, perhaps a half decent recipe and the life and times of me (rather boring most days) then please do keep reading.

Okay today hmmm, interesting, er not so much..... folding washing, hanging washing, putting washing away.  Looking after 2 small people (Miss 3 is one of them), did the mandatory lunches, sorted dinner (cheated and got out a frozen lasagna), emptied dishwasher, cleaned bench, sorted some toys while singing nursery rhymes....not sure my singing abilities will win me any medals.....very tough crowd today.  Made a loaf (recipe below) which in all my wisdom thought I should double and freeze one....good in theory if I had 2 loaf tins the same size then I could cook them for the same time - but no, I didn't have 2 tins the same size, (sigh) so after a bit of guesstimating thought I had the times right, but the damn things sunk on me.  Oh well.  had a sneaky taste and they are okay.  Before the day is out I will have meet with Master 6's teacher, completed another unit in my study, eaten tea, done homework with Master 6, helped get kids to bed and most definitely had a wine.  I will get things already for tomorrows small people, probably think about getting tea ready for tomorrow (rugby practice), decide against it, then sleep in tomorrow and curse myself for not doing it.

So will quickly add recipe while one small person sleeps and the other one is quietly playing (I think she has forgotten I'm here....perhaps I should make a break for it.............?!)

Lemon Syrup Loaf
I discovered this recipe and others, in my Grandma's bits....I'm planning to cook my way through them, mainly cos I like eating, but also because I know she would have, eventually...

1 cup white or caster sugar
grated rind of two lemons
100g butter - softened
2 eggs
1 1/4 cups self raising flour
1/2 cup milk
1/4 teaspoon slat

Syrup: 1/4 cup lemon juice; 1/4 cup caster sugar

Preheat over to 180 degrees Celsius.  In a food processor (gotta love this - EASY!!) mix sugar and lemon rind.  Add butter and mix til creamy.  Then add eggs, milk, flour and salt.

With baking paper line a 21 x 12cm loaf tin, leave over hangs (worth noting this bit, cos if you don't the damn syrup runs and becomes a sticky mess on your bench....)  Pour in mixture.  Bake for 50-60 mins until loaf shrinks from sides of the tin.  While loaf bakes (Multitasking.....) mix lemon juice with caster sugar.  As soon as you remove the loaf from the over, drizzle this mixture over its surface.  Remove the loaf from the tin by lifting the paper and cool on a wire rack.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you are taking the loaf to the neighbours while they very very very kindly mind your children it would pay to in fact check the damn loaf is cooked by cutting it.  Once you have established that it is cooked, proceed to eat the end bits, sharing sparingly with Miss 3, quickly put into a container before you eat the lot.

Here is a picture of how NOT to let your loaf turn out like.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

talking in pictures....

Am thinking of entering one or two of these in for a farming calender...... let me know which is your favourite.  I know they are all very similar but I can't choose! Thanks for your help!
 Pic 1
 Pic 2
 Wasabi was here
 pic 3
 pic 4
Pic 6

Monday, August 1, 2011

Being beautiful

I was getting dressed the other day and glanced up at the wedding pictures I have up on the wall in our bedroom.  I looked at the youthful pictures of the Farmer and I, ridiculously (but wonderfully) in love without a care in the world.  In some respects it feels like yesterday and other days it feels like a lifetime ago.

What really stuck me was that I really did look every bit the beautiful bride....I know that seems kinda up myself but I when I think back I was really hung up about being "fat"  Now I have reason to worry as I most certainly have retained extra weight from kids, chip & dip and lack of exercise - but I know all that and am not going to delve into that, well for now at least.

There is a very strong ideal about what is beautiful and what you should be like to look the part.  That you need to spend money on nice clothes, good hair, white gleaming smile, being thin and all the rest of that bollocks.  But for the more mature (and I don't mean old) of us we realise that it's not about that at all.

........and even if you had all that money, flash clothes, super trim body you may still never be beautiful.

We all face our own hang ups about whats wrong with us, legs, arms, tum, bum - whatever.  And I'm no different don't get me wrong, but what I would like to think is that the beautiful us shines through - past all that.

I'm pretty sure my Mum told be being beautiful comes from the inside and I fobbed it off in all my teenage wisdom as the line you get handed when your not the beautiful kid.  But, by hokey, it is true.

Being beautiful is in a smile, in a laugh, in the way you hug your child, the way you love others and treat your friends and family.  It's most noticeable when you think no ones watching.  It's not about how you look, it's about who you are.  And even if you think your not beautiful, people see it within you, perhaps long before you yourself see it.